Dangling Gandhi - Jayanthi Sankar
Regular price Rs. 220.00 Sale price Rs. 185.00 Save 16%A spectacular bouquet of a dozen stories travelling across time and space through colourfully multicultural contexts. The nonlinear narrative style helps the reader flow with the kaleidoscopic presentation of events.
– Dr. Lalitha Menon, retd Professor and HOD, Calicut, India
The stories are aptly published while we celebrate Singapore’s Bicentennial. ‘Punkah Wallah’, a delightful fiction worth re-visiting brings to life the different classes of our society, origins, cultures and how they functioned during the earliest days of the last century. ‘Did Churchill know?’ left me pleasantly surprised, shocked, and bemused.
– Angela Leong, Director of a Research firm, Singapore
Thoroughly enjoyed the short stories, finding them gripping and touching, with unexpected little twists. On my second reading, with real concentration, I found them even more interesting. They made me think more, and that is a good thing!
– Valerie Dümpelmann, EFL instructor, Germany
… is not only a story of how different generations relate to literature. A brilliant short story emblematically highlights many of the problems that characterize Tamil literature as a set of social practices in Singapore today.
– Sascha Ebeling, Associate Professor, University of Chicago, USA
Author: Jayanthi Sankar
Genre: Literature and Fiction
Publishing House: Zero Degree Publishing
No. Of Pages: 152
Language: English